Marketing Your Home To Millennials

Posted on: 21 September 2016

Millennials represent a significant portion of today's consumer market. These consumers have a unique set of wants, needs, and preferences, so finding ways to cater to their sensibilities is essential when it comes to making a successful sale. If you are trying to market your home to Millennial buyers, you must keep their unique characteristics in mind in order to be successful.

Here are three tips you can use to help you more effectively market your home to the Millennial population in the future.

1. Showcase your home's technology upgrades.

Consumers of all ages rely on a variety of technical devices each day, but these electronics play a particularly vital role in the lives of Millennials.

According to experts, Millennials are 2.5 times more likely to be early adopters of technology. If you want your home to appeal to these buyers, you need to show that is has been upgraded to meet their technological demands.

Showcasing upgrades like a fingerprint entry system or whole-house entertainment package will help you draw more Millennial buyers to your property.

2. Highlight your home's "green" factor.

Many homeowners are investing in upgrades that make their home more "green," and highlighting these upgrades as you list your property for sale can be a great way to capture the attention of Millennial buyers.

Statistics show that 50% of Millennial buyers are more likely to make a purchase if they know that their money will be going toward a product that supports a cause. You can capitalize on this cause-driven mindset by showing Millennial home buyers that your property contributes to bettering the environment.

Be sure to highlight energy-efficient appliances and the existence of solar panels when trying to market your home to Millennials.

3. Utilize multiple platforms.

Millennial consumers are not relying on a single technological platform in order to access information. Instead, they rely on a multitude of sources and you must be prepared to market across multiple platforms in order to reach Millennial consumers.

Studies show that digital natives (like Millennials) switch their attention across media platforms an average of 27 times per hour. By marketing your home on social media, through real estate websites, and even via magazine, you will be able to ensure that Millennials are seeing that your property is available.

Selling your home can be challenging, but when you take the time to understand how you can specifically market to Millennial consumers you will be better able to sell your home in the future.
